Find available services

With Yachting Platform you can find available services based on your location and prefered parts that needs to be fixed. Find the best option based on user rating.

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  • Search

    Search for available services of companies based on location and period. Send and receive direct messages for quick solution.

  • Inspection

    Problem on your yacht? Create an inspection, add a picture, send directly to selected companies and publish on the marketplace.

  • Marketplace

    Your inspections can be placed on the marketplace where companies directly can respond to your inspection. Your problem is solved in no time.

Your personal profile

Create a free profile with your name and yacht and start searching for services, or create inspections. Receive messages directly in your app and find your solution in seconds.


Company? Offer your services now

Are you a company? Offer your services and availability and be selected by captains and crew. Filter available inspections of yachts based on location and category and send them direct messages.

Contact us

Feel free to send us a message with questions or suggestions. We will respond to you as soon as we can.